Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Musings about 2008

I wonder what the new year, 2008, will bring? There are some things I know for 4 grandbabies will continue to grow. My daughter and her husband will continue to be excellent parents, loving each other, their 4 beautiful kids, and the Lord. My husband will continue to lose weight on his way to his goal weight and the long-awaited prize of a new motorcycle. However, I am floundering. I have gone from having a position within a ministry to not having one and no outlook at having one soon. I have gone from having one semi-good knee to needing 2 knee replacements in order to get some of my life back. I have gone from working to not working, producing an income to not contributing to our household. I have gone from being an anomaly to being a rarity. I know, what's the difference? An anomaly was when I didn't know what the issue was with my body. A rarity is knowing I have Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome. There are a lot of things I'd like to forget about this past year, but probably won't. There are a lot of this I don't want to forget about this past year, but probably will. Life is sure funny that way.

It will be interesting to say the least. Time and the Lord will tell.

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